Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Pōhutukawa Kindergarten

Our Curriculum

Curriculum is described as 
"the sum total of the experiences, activities, and events, whether direct or indirect, which occur within an environment designed to foster children’s learning and development."
(p. 10, Te Whariki)

Respectful, strong relations

At Pohutukawa Kindergarten, teachers develop strong, respectful relationships with every child and their whanau. These relationships help us plan a programme of activities and experiences that will enhance and extend the skills and knowledge already possessed by the child.


Development opportunities

Our routines and programmes are designed to provide a curriculum that ensures all children at Pohutukawa Kindergarten have opportunities for developing positive learning outcomes (which include knowledge, skills and attitude); that is relevant and in context for individual children; is embedded with current theory and practise by teachers; and includes participation from children and whanau, to enable children to grow to their full potential.

Recent Learning

A reflection of our uniqueness

The curriculum is relevant, respectful and in context with the children and whanau attending and acknowledges and reflects the unique place of Maori as tangata whenua. The principles and dimensions of Te Wheke are reflected in the curriculum. All experiences provided consider and incorporate relevant tikanga and te reo as appropriate.

Te Whakiri
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Everyone is welcome

Children, parents and whanau are informed and welcomed to participate in the curriculum development. Teachers ensure experiences planned reflect the culture and identity of the children enrolled at Pohutukawa Kindergarten.

Our Planning

Planning occurs on a regular basis and is based on assessments of the current programme, children’s needs and interests as individuals and as a group.

Ready to start?

We'd love to have your child join our Whānau.

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