Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
20240422 133826
Recent Learning

Frogs and Butterflies oh my!

Looking at the life cycles of our amphibious and fluttery friends.

The tamariki spent time over the last few weeks learning about the life cycles of both the frog and the monarch butterfly.

We began our biology based focus by looking at the journey of a frog- from egg, to tadpole, to froglet, to frog. The older tamariki created life cycles, thinking carefully before adding each part of the cycle in correct developmental order. All of the children enjoyed observing small replicas of each life cycle stage represented in a watery aquarium set up.

The following week, we explored the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly. The tamariki listened to and looked at a variety of non-fiction books depicting the stages from egg to caterpillar, to chrysalis, to emerging butterfly. Some beautiful butterfly themed artwork was created.

So what did we learn?

Te Whariki- Exploration/Mana Aoturoa- children develop working theories about the living world and knowledge of how to care for it.
Te Wheke-Taha Tinana- this dimension represents the relationship of the child to their physical world. It concerns taking responsibility for ourselves, the respect and reverence of living things and the natural cycles of the physical world.

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