Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Recent Learning


This afternoon Tiffany was able to share something from her own culture as we made kimbap (Korean sushi roll).

Korean Sushi roll

Bae, introduced making Korean sushi at the mat time. She introduced us to the Korean words “Kim is seaweed” and “Bap means rice”.

Then she introduced us to more ingredients pickled radish, cucumber, egg and ham. At the table, she then explained to put the rice on the rough side of the seaweed. With the rice on the seaweed, you placed your choice of ingredients on before rolling it into a roll.  Some could not wait for a kaiako to cut their roll into pieces and ate it in a whole roll. Some made a second kimbap as they seemed to enjoy the first one. Frankie, you and your peers were excited about making sushi. Some of the tamariki already knew about the shiny and rough side of the seaweed. It was so wonderful getting to make something that is so familiar.

We welcome any tamariki and their whanau to share recipes from their culture with us at kindy.

So what did we learn?

Belonging/Mana Whenua: Children become increasingly capable of making connections between people, places and things in their world/te waihanga hononga.

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